Thursday, 10 October 2013

Beijing 'in miniature'

A friend just forwarded a link to this delightful little film made by Joerg Daiber, showing the Chinese capital - my home for the last decade - looking like a tiny model. This is achieved through a technique called tilt-shift. You can apply effects in Photoshop etc. to achieve a similar look, but the best results come from using a special lens arrangement in the camera. The optics of it is quite complicated, but the effect is basically to flatten the depth of field. Since we are used to there inevitably being a fairly extended depth of field when we are viewing large objects from some distance away, this much shorter depth of field tricks our brain into thinking that we must in fact be looking at something quite small from close to. Ingenious, and rather mind-bending!

There are lots of similar videos posted to Youtube on the LittleBigWorld channel.

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