Saturday, 28 March 2015

TEDx comes to CIS Hangzhou

In our inaugural year, a couple of our brightest and most enterprising students, Catherine Wang and Crystal Leung, mounted a TEDx-like event towards the end of the school year; but they were putting it together at too short notice to get an official TED endorsement for the event, so they cheekily dubbed it TAD instead.

Unfortunately, I was busy looking after a visiting artist-in-residence, and so was not able to attend or participate as I had wished. Even worse, amid the mad whirl of the end of the semester, the video that had been shot of the event got lost. I've spent months trying to track it down, but it appears that the last surviving files were left on the laptop of a student who was leaving the school (and his hard drive got wiped automatically by the IT staff as soon as he handed it in). I'm sure it was a great evening; but it lives on only in the memories of those who were part of it. (And maybe that's not such a bad thing. As my school's 'film guy' - and unofficial archivist - I have led the way in trying to document everything we've done in the past 18 months or so in photographs and video; but I do worry that sometimes this detracts from rather than enhances our own memory of events.)

This year, a vigorous team of students, Georgina and Jasmine Savage and Enrique Chuidian, put together a similar event - and this time, somehow, they managed to get the TEDx branding on it. (We possibly shouldn't enquire too closely into that; I'm not sure it was entirely kosher.)

Three of my students and I all filmed the event. This is a short selection of highlights I've quickly put together.

This is a cross-post from the CIS Hangzhou TV Channel. The main post there includes links to full versions of each of the individual speeches and music performances.

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